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  • Pick up after your pet

**Please do not let your dogs defecate or urinate inside. We understand that accidents do happen of course, so please make sure to clean up after yourselves if it happens!​**

  • Keep dog on a leash until safely in the designated off-leash area

  • Only use the facility during your allotted time frame

  • Female dogs who are in season MUST wear protective wear / “bitch-britches" while in the building.

  • Monitor your pet's behaviour at all times and do not leave unattended. 

  • Put all equipment back where it belongs after use

  • Do not enter the facility prior to your scheduled time slot

  • Please make sure that you are out of the facility by the time your booking ends

  • You MUST keep your dog within the fenced area, as there are other animals and livestock on the property

  • You must agree to the Terms of Service

Please remain in your vehicle parked away from others if you are using the outdoor facilities. You may exit your vehicle once the people booked before you are in their vehicle. This is to minimize contact and ensure a safe space for reactive dogs and those around them. 

We sincerely thank you for adhering to the rules. We want everyone to be able to enjoy this space!

*Washroom* - Please note that the washroom is in the indoor facility and only available to those who are booked in for the indoor. 

terms of service

By booking with Barrett Off Leash Area, you consent to the following:

I certify that I am the owner of the pet/s I will be attending the off leash park with, that I am eighteen years of age or older and have the legal capacity to enter into a binding contract. If I am not the owner of the pet, I have advised authorization from the legal owner to have the pet in my possession and am authorized to act on their behalf. I further certify that I have read and understand the rules and regulations as set forth in this agreement. I agree to abide by the rules and regulations and accept all the terms, conditions and statements of this agreement. I hereby release Barrett Veterinary Practice and Barrett Off Leash, its owners, employees, volunteers and agents from any and all liability which I, the pet, any third party person or their pet may suffer, including specifically, but not without limitation, any injury or damage whatsoever arising from my actions or failure to act, the pets’ actions or generally the pets’ attendance and participation in the use of the Off Leash premises. I hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless Barrett Veterinary Practice and Barrett Off Leash, its owners, employees, volunteers and agents from any and all claims, or claims by myself or any third party accompanying me to Barrett Off Leash or while attending the premises thereof, as a result of any actions or failure to act by me or by my pet/s. 
I hereby represent that the pet is of good health and has not been ill with any known contagious diseases within the last 30 days. I recognize that the health of the pet is my personal responsibility.  If another animal or individual is injured as a direct result of negligence on my part, I will be made responsible for medical and restoration fees incurred. I understand that by bringing my pet to an open off leash area could incur injury due to my own negligence or due to no fault of anyone. I accept the risk of any such more serious incident happening. I further understand and agree that Barrett Veterinary Practice, Barrett Off Leash and its owners, employees, volunteers and agents will not be liable for any problems that might develop with the pet, including, but not limited to, sickness, disease, injury, running away and death. For the safety of all our four-legged friends, should a transferable medical issue arise e.g. lice, kennel cough, diarrhea, ringworm, vomiting, upper respiratory virus etc., the owner MUST inform the facility & forfeit their booked time slot for use of the facility. I understand I am solely responsible for any harm that my pet may cause to another pet while they are at Barrett Off Leash. 
I understand that I am to walk my pet in and out of the facility on a leash, and in a safe and expedient manner. I understand that my dog is not allowed to bark uncontrollably while at Barrett Off Leash and that there is livestock in other areas on the property that are off limits to both myself and my pets. I also understand that this is a rural property and that uneven ground; gravel; dirt; ice; slippery conditions and wildlife are all possibilities – in the event of injury to myself, those in my custody or my dog - or damage to my property I will not hold Barrett Veterinary Practice and Barrett Off Leash, its owners, employees, volunteers or agents responsible for any claims while attending the premises thereof.
Fees are non-refundable and non-transferable. Fees for multi-day passes or package deals are to be pre-paid. Fees are subject to change without notice.  In the event of a discrepancy, the pet owner is financially responsible for all services rendered unless otherwise decided by the owners of Barrett Veterinary Practice and Barrett OffLeash.  Barrett Veterinary Practice and Barrett Off Leash reserves the right to cancel or change activities scheduled in the Off Leash area at their discretion. Barrett Veterinary Practice and Barrett OffLeash is not responsible for any pet that runs off during any activities that the pet is participating in on property. I agree that if my pet is videotaped, photographed, and/or recorded, Barrett Veterinary Practice and Barrett OffLeash shall be allowed to use said property at their own discretion. I understand that I must book my reservation prior to arriving to Barrett Off Leash and that a cancellation policy is in effect for all reservations. I understand that if have a reservation and do not arrive (a “no show”) or do not cancel at least 24 hours prior, I will be not be issued a refund. 
This agreement is valid from the date listed below for whenever I use facilities owned and or operated by Barrett Veterinary Practice and Barrett OffLeash.

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